CncDesk is a desktop system for managing NC program data. It is used by
NC programmers to create and organize CAD/CAM data files, and also serves
as a shopfloor DNC server for NC machine tools. CncDesk can operate as
a stand-alone system, or interface with other CAD/CAM programs. The main
components of CncDesk are:
CncDesk is currently available in a DOS version only, however, the DOS
version will run without problems on Win3.x, Windows 9.x, and NT systems.
A Win32 version is currently in the works, but there is no planned release date.
The version available for download requires at least an i386 processor with
2mb of memory.
Files Menu:
The files menu contains multiple file lists. These are user defined as
to what files to display. From these lists, files can be selected for creating,
editing, copying, deleting, naming, etc.
The NC code editor, CncEdit, is designed for speed in editing NC code.
It has the most common features found in any word processor, as well as
functions unique to editing NC code. Such features as block copy, block
move, block delete, block read, block write, search & replace with
rules, line number resequencing, performing math functions on NC field
values (ex: X*2) within a line number range, keyboard macro record
& replay.
CncDesk includes CncComm, the NC communications module. CncComm has been
designed specificly to communicate with NC controllers via an RS-232 serial
interface. CncComm can also punch paper tape in ASCII or EIA modes, server
as a dumb terminal, and do binary file transfers. CncComm uses hardware
& software handshaking to cover a wide range of device requirements.
Baud rates from 300 to 115kb are available using serial ports com1 through
com20. Digiboard PC/x
multiport serial cards can be used to connect a single PC to many
NC controls without the use of manual switch boxes. Each files window of
the CncDesk main menu can have a separate serial port configuration to match a
particular NC control.
The CncAssembler is a unique tool for manual programming. The idea, is
to save the programmer from having to type in repetitious code over and
again, and also to reduce the possiblilty of typing errors. Small sub-programs
containing variable names are written and saved by the NC programmer These
files might contain a standard program header, safe start blocks for different
tool changes, and a standard program footer. The programmer selects the
files from within the assembler, places them in the desired order, and
then defines the real values for the variables applicable to the particular
session. These files are then assembled into the editor, thereby creating
a complete program outline, ready for further editing to just fill in the
remaining tool motion. This allows the programmer to plan the program in
advance, and then quickly create the outline. If mistakes are made, or
changes are required to the basic outline, then the editing session can
be abandoned. The assembler list is maintained and therefore can be modified
and re-assembled.
Applications Menu:
The applications menu provides the interface to other programs. Different
methods are available for CncDesk to execute other programs or batch files
or DOS commands. The currently selected file from one of the file lists
is used as a DOS command line parameter when executing the program. This
provides an easy way to pass the filename to another program that accepts
this. Other command line parameters can also be defined, as well as other
features to control the application session.
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