Univ is a re-worked/extended version of the original Mastercam univ.com post processor for mills. This version includes many fixes for bugs apparent in univ.com as well as extending the functionality, including conditional branching in the .pst file, 4th axis indexing rotation, and reading and outputting information from the .tl/.mtl file (like tool comments!) used prior to Mastercam v7.x. Canned cycles for drilling output was re-worked extensively, as the original univ.com had some problems and limitations in that area. Univ uses the DOS style .pst files that were common prior to Mastercam V4.0. The MP style .pst files are not compatible. Univ will read .nci files from all versions of Mastercam, including v7.x. If you still want or prefer to use the old style of post processor, this is the post for you!
Ncp is a win16 version of the DOS Univ post processor. It can be used interactively as well as with command line parameters.
Like univ.exe, ulth.exe is a rework of the original Mastercam ulth.com post processor for lathes. It includes many fixes for bugs in ulth.com.
NciMisc provides a quick method to globally change the values of the parameters in all tool change blocks of an nci file, such as a particular miscellaneous real or integer value.
Code2Nci reads a mill nc g-code file and converts it to a Mastercam .nci file. This is similar to using Mastercam's reverse posting, however it is more generic.
Code2Dxf reads a mill nc g-code file and converts it to an Autocad .dxf file. This is a simple way to import existing tool path into Mastercam as geometry for some re-work, etc.
Updated - Jan 6, 2007
jsf2tl reads a Smartcam v3.x, v4.x .jsf job plan file and converts it to a Mastercam
.tl tool file. Note that it currently does not convert to the newer .mtl file.
New - Jan 5, 2007
tltomtl reads a Mastercam 3.x tool file (.tl) and converts it to the newer
tool format used starting with 4.x (.mtl). This can also be used after creating
.tl files with jsf2tl if converting Smartcam .jsf files to Mastercam 4.x. tltomtl
was written to address some shortcomings with the original tl2mtl that was shipped with
Mastercam 4.x for the same purpose.